Where are the RestroFood settings options?
Go to Admin -> RestroFood

Go to Admin -> RestroFood
To work time and date properly with your time you need to settings restrofood plugin timezone from restrofood settings and WP admin settings -> general Restrofood settings option: WP admin settings option:
Restrofood provides a nice option to check delivery location availability. There has 2 types of options to check delivery location availability by address and zip code. Customers can check delivery availability in their area before ordering. Delivery Availability Checker Popup: Checkout Page Delivery Availability Checker: Follow The screenshot To Set The Location Settings:
Follow the screenshot to understand how to work delivery ability checker by zip location. For Single Branch: Settings Options:
There has nice ajax filter option ( Filter by delivery date ) to find pre order list in manager page. Please follow the screenshot:
RestroFood provide custom login page for manager admin. The default manager admin login page is /admin ( your-domain.com/admin ). Branch, kitchen manager and delivery boy should be login from here. If you want to change the admin page you will do it easily. At first, create a page which you want as an admin page…
RestroFood provides background, text, button, anchor link, etc color change option so that you could match the plugin environment color with your website. Follow the screenshot to get the option:
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