How to set the time zone?
To work time and date properly with your time you need to settings restrofood plugin timezone from restrofood settings and WP admin settings -> general
Restrofood settings option:

WP admin settings option:

Restrofood provides 3 unique cart style options. You can choose the one that you prefer most. You can set it globally from the settings option or a specific Elementor widget. Follow the screenshots to set the settings.
To use pre order system you need to set some settings from restrofood delivery settings. Please follow the screenshot. After set all settings you will find the date and time select option in checkout page How to hide delivery date and time from checkout page?
After Cooking Complete the order need to assign delivery boy to order delivery. There has a select option to assign delivery boy in the branch and kitchen manager page order view popup. Follow the screenshot below.
Set how much order you want to received per time slot. If you don’t set any number of this option customers can order unlimited every time slot. If time slot order limit is over customer will see the information like below image. If the customer selects the time, which time slot already crosses the order…
Follow the screenshot to understand how to work delivery ability checker address location. For Single Branch: Settings Options: Single Branch Shop Location Set:
Go to Admin -> RestroFood
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