How to import product demo data?

Upload the xml file.
Note: You should upload restrofood product xml first then restrofood media xml file

To use pre order system you need to set some settings from restrofood delivery settings. Please follow the screenshot. After set all settings you will find the date and time select option in checkout page How to hide delivery date and time from checkout page?
Email notification work on order status. When admin change order status mail automatic send to customer to inform their order current status. Admin ON | OFF the mail notification option from the settings page. Also, the admin can change notification text based on status, Subject text, and mail template header, footer text, and header background…
Go to Appearance -> Themes -> Add New -> Upload Theme -> Browse and Install Now You will need to install some required plugins to work the theme properly. Follow the below screenshot.
You will need to create user to access the branch manager, kitchen manager, and delivery boy. Restrofood provides 3 different user roles for different manager. After installing the plugin you will find 3 new user roles in the user role option. The roles are Branch Manager, Kitchen Manager, and Delivery Boy. Follow the screenshot to…
Restrofood provides order status change option to know order current status. All managers can change the order status from there manager page depends on the order activities and customers also can see the order current status from my account -> order page . Manager Status To Customer Status Behaviors: Question: I accept the order by…
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