How to work location type zip?
Follow the screenshot to understand how to work delivery ability checker by zip location.
For Single Branch:

Settings Options:

To use pre order system you need to set some settings from restrofood delivery settings. Please follow the screenshot. After set all settings you will find the date and time select option in checkout page How to hide delivery date and time from checkout page?
You will need to create user to access the branch manager, kitchen manager, and delivery boy. Restrofood provides 3 different user roles for different manager. After installing the plugin you will find 3 new user roles in the user role option. The roles are Branch Manager, Kitchen Manager, and Delivery Boy. Follow the screenshot to…
RestroFood WooCommerce quick order branch management system depends on WooCommerce plugin. So you have must be installed WooCommerce Plugin before use RestroFood plugin.
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
RestroFood plugin provides some default pages after installing the plugin. See the pages list below: 1. Admin ( admin page to login branch manager, kitchen manager, and delivery boy )2. Branch Manager ( Branch Manager page to manage branch order )3. Kitchen Manager ( KitchenManager page to manage branch order in the kitchen )4. RestroFood…
Restrofood provide invoice logo, shop name, address and footer text add option.
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