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How to install RestroFood Theme?
Go to Appearance -> Themes -> Add New -> Upload Theme -> Browse and Install Now You will need to install some required plugins to work the theme properly. Follow the below screenshot.
Required Plugins Dependency
RestroFood WooCommerce quick order branch management system depends on WooCommerce plugin. So you have must be installed WooCommerce Plugin before use RestroFood plugin.
How to add product extra items?
Set list type and min/mix required option. If you don’t set min or max required number this items are not required for the product to add to cart.
From where to set branch to deliver/pickup date and time?
RestroFood provides different time and multiple holiday set options for different branches. Here is the screenshot of how and from where the Delivery/Pickup time and holy day set in the branch admin.
How to use RestroFood Shortcode?
Restrofood provides an awesome and flexible shortcode to increase user experience and flexibility. Product Page Shortcode: Shortcode Example 1: Use this shortcode to show products with all default settings Shortcode Example 2: Delivery ability checker form: Shortcode Example 1: Use this shortcode to show products with all default settings Shortcode Example 2: Use this shortcode…
Where are the invoice settings?
Follow the screenshot to get invoice settings options.