Where you will find Order status text change options?
If you want to change the order status text which restrofood provide default, You can! just follow the screenshot below:

If you want to change the order status text which restrofood provide default, You can! just follow the screenshot below:
The main admin can see and controls all branch orders from Branch order manage page. This page can access only main admin user from dashboard. There has so many options in this page. Following the options list below : Order filter by date and branch Show statistic on Total Order, Total Completed Order, Total Cancel…
Restrofood provides a flash sale slider Elementor widget to show on sale products. Follow the screenshots to set the settings.
Set list type and min/mix required option. If you don’t set min or max required number this items are not required for the product to add to cart.
To work time and date properly with your time you need to settings restrofood plugin timezone from restrofood settings and WP admin settings -> general Restrofood settings option: WP admin settings option:
Go to Admin -> RestroFood
No products in the cart.