Where are the invoice settings?
Follow the screenshot to get invoice settings options.

Follow the screenshot to get invoice settings options.
Restrofood provides order status change option to know order current status. All managers can change the order status from there manager page depends on the order activities and customers also can see the order current status from my account -> order page . Manager Status To Customer Status Behaviors: Question: I accept the order by…
Restrofood provide invoice logo, shop name, address and footer text add option.
RestroFood WooCommerce quick order branch management system depends on WooCommerce plugin. So you have must be installed WooCommerce Plugin before use RestroFood plugin.
Restrofood provides 3 unique cart style options. You can choose the one that you prefer most. You can set it globally from the settings option or a specific Elementor widget. Follow the screenshots to set the settings.
You will find the print button in the order details popup:
No products in the cart.