How to work location type address?
Follow the screenshot to understand how to work delivery ability checker address location.
For Single Branch:

Settings Options:

Single Branch Shop Location Set:

RestroFood WooCommerce quick order branch management system depends on WooCommerce plugin. So you have must be installed WooCommerce Plugin before use RestroFood plugin.
Restrofood provides an awesome and flexible shortcode to increase user experience and flexibility. Product Page Shortcode: Shortcode Example 1: Use this shortcode to show products with all default settings Shortcode Example 2: Delivery ability checker form: Shortcode Example 1: Use this shortcode to show products with all default settings Shortcode Example 2: Use this shortcode…
To use pre order system you need to set some settings from restrofood delivery settings. Please follow the screenshot. After set all settings you will find the date and time select option in checkout page How to hide delivery date and time from checkout page?
The main admin can see and controls all branch orders from Branch order manage page. This page can access only main admin user from dashboard. There has so many options in this page. Following the options list below : Order filter by date and branch Show statistic on Total Order, Total Completed Order, Total Cancel…
Follow the screenshot to get invoice settings options.
Restrofood provides a nice option to check delivery location availability. There has 2 types of options to check delivery location availability by address and zip code. Customers can check delivery availability in their area before ordering. Delivery Availability Checker Popup: Checkout Page Delivery Availability Checker: Follow The screenshot To Set The Location Settings:
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